Imagine if your body transformed into an elevator.
Ask yourself: which floor of life's adventures would you choose to explore?

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect, Figma, Unity, Vuforia
AR, UI, Branding
Product Designer, Graphic Design
This is an independent research project focused on exploring the original meaning of the word "Height" and its historical evolution. The project seeks to distill the word from the additional layers of meaning that have been added to it over time, often influenced by social context, political environment, and class hierarchy.
The "Museum of Height" project includes two book editions, one dedicated to human height and the other to plant height. Both editions feature interactive AR images that offer a unique perspective on the topic. In addition, a mobile app is available to enhance the user experience and provide additional information on the history and cultural significance of the concept of height.
The primary objective of this project is to provide individuals with an objective and unadulterated view of height. Through the creation of a multi-dimensional platform, I aim to present a diverse array of height perspectives, while also striving to eliminate any preconceived biases or prejudices that individuals may hold regarding height.
At the onset of this project, my focus was primarily on human height measurements, given its direct correlation to the concept of Height. As a result, I delved into various visual representations of height measurements, including rulers, construction papers, and height experiments. However, during my research, I discovered that ancient Egyptian and Chinese wall paintings utilized different height scales to signify an individual's power and authority. This realization prompted me to explore scholarly articles on the relationship between power and height, both historically and in modern-day society, in order to expand my understanding of Height and its multifaceted meanings.
Following extensive research, I gained a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between height and manipulation. Using this insight, I identified several key elements, including human growth and ascent to the top, as well as the plant growth cycle. In order to illustrate the pervasive societal tendency to ascribe excessive meaning to the concept of height, I opted to utilize a gradient of colorful objects.
The intended target audience for this project includes individuals who demonstrate a keen interest in height-related subjects and those seeking novel and varied viewpoints to perceive the world.
Upon careful consideration, I determined that a mobile application would complement the Museum of Height book well. While a physical book was the original idea, a digital component allows for a greater connection with the concept of manipulation and serves as a bridge between the simplicity of the original form and the complexity of contemporary society. This decision was made to enhance the overall user experience and engage the target audience more effectively.
During the design process for the physical book cover, I aimed to maintain a minimal color palette to uphold the original essence of the project. I utilized simple geometric shapes, such as rectangles and circles, to visually represent height-related elements. Additionally, I incorporated playful typography to create a more approachable design. For the AR book cover, I utilized contrasting colors to symbolize the societal abandonment of the true meaning of height and the manipulation of plants.
To emphasize the concept of unnatural growth in the AR animation of the book cover, I aimed to create animations that are less organic in nature. This involved removing natural and physical animation elements, such as graphic shrinking during height increase and graphic wiggling when moving across the art-board. By eliminating these features, the design takes on a more mechanical and rigid appearance, which helps to reinforce the theme of artificiality in growth.
During the design process, I aimed to draw the viewer's focus towards the title and graphic elements. To achieve this, I carefully adjusted the scale and layout of the title to ensure it commands attention. Additionally, I emphasized the graphic elements with the most movement in the animation to illustrate the impact of human influence on height.
This is a professional description of the mobile app designed to accompany the Museum of Height book. The app provides an interactive platform for viewers to engage with the online community and gain access to a variety of height perspectives. The inspiration for the app was drawn from popular dating apps such as Tinder and Tantan, which frequently employ filters to restrict matches based on height. In contrast, the Museum of Height app utilizes a different filter system that encourages users to explore a broad range of perspectives. Additionally, the app includes a camera function that allows users to record and interact with the book's AR system, as well as a Library feature for users to save and collect perspectives they find appealing.
Overall, this project was both challenging and therapeutic! It was inspiring when I researched the history and backgrounds of Height. However, at the same time, it was challenging to find an interesting way to combine all the materials and thoughts together without overwhelming the viewer and user.
In addition, creating an app from scratch as a designer is super rewarding. I got the experience to compile research, conduct interaction testing, and craft high-fidelity interfaces. Through the process, I realized a great product needs to be buttressed by qualitative data, clear user flow, and lots of user feedback.